

candle flower set
3 prims
can change flower textures by menu

candle flower set
3 prims

-Chat Rec/record 周辺チャット言葉の記録
words from local chat.appear over the candle.
If you do NOT want any text over the candle...
just type in screen two forward slashes // or space.

-Anime/add or Replacement animations. タッチでどこでもアニメ
Drag your animations or pose into the contents tab.

-Anime Stop/if you want to stop animation,chose Anime STOP from menu.

-Mes on off/type in notecard*message what you want to appear over the candle.

-Texture/add or Replacement textures. 柄がえ
Drag your texture into the contents tab.

-Reset/after write in notecard*message,push Reset botton.

-Fire on off/The text synchronizes and it is displayed.ろうそくの炎

- Size/change candle size.ろうそくサイズ変更

young leaves

2prims. copy or trans
change 8 pot textures

green pencil pot

2prims. copy or trans
change 8 pot textures

flower and pot

3 prims. copy or trans
change flower and pot textures


花のSIZEや位置を変えて飾ってね。ヽ(‘ ∇‘ )ノ

Shop N326here

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